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This is the Privacy Policy of Accucom Systems Integration Pty Ltd   ABN: 61 091 531 654 (collectively referred to as Accucom, we, our or us).

Accucom takes your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how the personal information you provide to us is used by us. We follow strict guidelines on the use and disclosure of your personal information.

Accucom is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Privacy Act) and, in particular, the National Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act. If we change our privacy policy we will update this Privacy Policy. We are also bound by and comply with the Australian Communications Industry Forum Industry Code on the Protection of Personal Information of Customers of Telecommunications Providers and the privacy provisions of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth).

What personal information do we collect?

We collect information about you such as your name, address, e-mail address, contact details and, if necessary, your credit or debit card numbers. We may obtain credit information about you from a credit reporting agency or from a credit provider.  As a general rule we do not collect sensitive information. However, if we do, it will usually be for the purposes of providing our goods and services and, where the law requires us to do so, we will seek your consent to collect it.

How will we use and disclose your personal information?

We may use your personal information:

  • to assess any application by you for services and equipment to be provided by us;
  • to collect payments that are overdue in respect of any services and equipment provided by us; or
  • to provide the services and equipment to you (including the investigation or resolution of disputes relating to any services and equipment provided to you).

We may also disclose your personal information:

  • to other suppliers for the purpose of enabling us to provide the services and equipment to you (including the investigation and resolution of disputes or complaints concerning the provision of the services);
  • to other suppliers (ie carriers, telecommunications service providers or equipment suppliers) about your account, including particulars of calls and call charges;
  • to government agencies or individuals appointed by a government (including the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and ACMA) responsible for the investigation and resolution of disputes or complaints concerning your use of the services and equipment for the purpose of enabling investigation and resolution of those disputes or complaints.

if you elect to participate in an affinity program with us, to other entities with whom we have established or will establish the affinity program to enable you to participate in the affinity program;

  • to other entities who provide services to us related to the provision of the services and equipment to you (including a mail house and resellers (or contractors engaged by resellers) to enable them to provide those services to us or administer payment arrangements in connection with those services;
  • to anyone to whom our standard customer agreement is sold, transferred or otherwise assigned; or
  • where you have otherwise consented.

In certain circumstances, we may be permitted or required by applicable laws to use or disclose personal information about you, including your name, address, service number and other details. Such uses or disclosures may include, without limitation:

  • disclosures to the operator of the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND). We are required by law to provide your name, address, service number and other public number customer details to a database known as the IPND. This applies to all customers, including unlisted customers. However, unlisted service information is marked and controlled in the IPND so that it is only provided for an approved purpose to those approved data users such as directory information organisations or for the assistance of emergency service organisations or law enforcement agencies. You must contact us if you wish to have your IPND data altered in any way.
  • disclosures to law enforcement agencies for purposes relating to the enforcement of criminal and other laws;
  • uses or disclosures in accordance with orders made by a court or if required or authorised by law; or
  • uses or disclosures to lessen or prevent serious threats to an individual's life, health or safety, or to public health or safety.

We may also use or disclose your personal information to assist in the recovery of lost or stolen equipment and in our internal investigations into suspected fraud or other unlawful activities.

Direct marketing

If you give us permission, we will use your personal information to:

  • provide information to you about other goods or services which we or any of our related bodies corporate or any of our partners and associates (such as telecommunication entities, providers of products or services which are related to the services and equipment, media entities, event organisers, equipment suppliers and the suppliers of any other product or service with whom we have engaged in a joint initiative) may offer to you.

Credit checks

We may:

  • obtain from a credit reporting agency a credit report containing information about your personal credit worthiness for the purpose of assessing your application and for the purpose of assisting in collecting overdue payments; and
  • obtain information about your commercial activities or commercial creditworthiness from any business which provides information about the commercial credit worthiness of persons, your accountant or any offer supplier to you.

We may give to and obtain from any credit provider named in your application for services and/or equipment or in a credit report on you issued by a credit reporting agency, information about your credit arrangements for the purposes of:

  • assessing your application;
  • notifying a default by you;
  • allowing another credit provider to ascertain the status of your finance arrangements with us where you are in default with one or more other credit providers; and
  • generally assessing your credit worthiness.

The information exchanged can include any information about your personal and/or commercial credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity which the Privacy Act allows credit providers to give to or receive from each other.


When you apply for a job with us we will collect certain information from you, from any recruitment consultant and from your previous employers and others who may be able to provide information to us to assist us in our decision on whether or not to make you an offer of employment. We will use this information solely for that purpose. This policy does not apply to acts and practices in relation to employee records of our current and former employees which are exempt from the Privacy Act.


When you log onto our web site we will log the date and time when you entered the site. We use this type of information to track the patterns of visitors using our site and to examine Internet trends and demographics. This may include identifying which areas on our web site are popular and which areas are not popular. We collect this information through the use of "cookies".

Information provided via our web site will be used to personalise your visit to our web site and to customise our service to your needs.

Cookies contain information about your preferences. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that your web browser transmits to your hard drive to enable our system to recognise your browser. This means that we are able to know information about you when you next visit our site, such as your IP address.

Cookies do not reveal your personal identity and are not personal information, but if you don't want cookies to be collected by us the Help option of your browser's tool bar will tell you how to prevent cookies or disable cookies entirely. You can still use this web site even if you choose to disable cookies.

How secure is the information you give to us on our web site?

Accucom uses only secure technology when handling your personal information on our web site. Where applicable, we also follow strict security procedures for the storage of information in compliance with the Privacy Act.

When using credit card information, we reveal only the last 5 digits of your credit card number, but it is necessary for us to transmit the entire credit card number to your credit card company for processing. We may also store bank account details and credit card numbers on our servers for billing purposes.

Since no transaction can ever be absolutely secure, we cannot guarantee the security of our web site and we advise you that you use our web site at your own risk.

For further information on the terms and conditions applying to transactions conducted through our web site, see our web site Terms of Use.

Links to other sites

For your convenience and information, our web site contains links to other web sites. Please be aware that these links have different security and privacy policies concerning the use of personal information. We do not take any responsibility for links to these web sites.

Access and correction

In accordance with the National Privacy Principles you have certain rights to gain access to the information which we hold about you and to seek correction of it. If at any time you would like to gain access to your personal information, or you would like to have some information which we hold about you corrected then please contact us at the contact points below. If we cannot give you access we will generally tell you why.

Queries and complaints

For any queries or further information, or if you wish to make a complaint about the way we have collected, used, held or disclosed your information, then please contact the Privacy Officer at  or call 02 8825 5555.

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(02) 8825-5555

Unit 25, 11 Brookhollow Avenue
Norwest Business Park, New South Wales 2153

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