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Accucom has been serving the Norwest Business Park area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Understanding Enterprise Security Can Improve Your Business’ Training

Understanding Enterprise Security Can Improve Your Business’ Training

For the growing business, doing the right things to secure your network and data is a constantly evolving situation. For larger businesses, they tend to approach the situation with a different perspective. They plan out the whole process. This is what is called enterprise security.  Let’s take a look at what enterprise security entails and how the little guy can benefit from doing things like larger companies do them. 

What is Enterprise Security?

Enterprise security is basically all the strategies, policies, and procedures that are enacted to defend a company from all the threats that could be problematic for a business. This includes defenses from cybercriminals, scammers, and even your vendors. For the small business, it may seem like a bit of overkill, but doing what you can to keep from having to deal with the exposure of proprietary, financial, and personal information is always prudent in our view. 

What is the Purpose of Enterprise Security?

The purpose is to keep your network and infrastructure secure and your data free from theft. Period. As businesses grow, they tend to have to deploy new technologies. Enterprise security is about identifying any possible attack vector and doing what you can to be ready should some scammer or hacker try to penetrate your defenses. 

Enterprise Security Planning

If you are committing to an enterprise security plan, you have to know that there is a lot more information that goes into it than your typical ho-hum security system. Not only do you have to have a very good understanding of the devices that access your network, you have to fully understand the demands that will (and even could be) placed on it. 

Most businesses dedicate themselves to enterprise security after they have been using a more rudimentary security strategy and find the need for a more comprehensive approach. The first task an organization has to undertake is auditing their current security. This should be done annually anyway, but it can quickly identify strategies and tools that should be retired and replaced with something more robust. 

ESS Considerations

One consideration that is relatively new is cloud computing. The average business now looks to the cloud for a lot of their computing needs. While this is great for the business, it makes cybersecurity that much more difficult. Any misconfiguration in cloud infrastructure can create significant vulnerabilities that can be exploited to your business’ chagrin. Additionally, a lot of businesses are trying to find ways to utilize Internet of Things technology, which adds a lot of mostly insecure devices as endpoints to your organization’s network. 

One thing that many security professionals overlook is the threats that actually come from inside your business’ network. A lot of the ESS strategies implore cybersecurity professionals to set up a zero-trust policy when it comes to the devices your employees bring onto your network. Employee negligence or sabotage is not as uncommon as you’d like to think and building cybersecurity that takes this into account is not only prudent, it is essential with the amount of devices used to access business records. 

If your business wants to do everything it can to protect its infrastructure and data, give the IT security professionals at Accucom a call today at (02) 8825-5555. We can discuss enterprise security strategies that can tighten up your organization’s security. 

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(02) 8825-5555

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